There are a number of handy life skills that everyone, both male and female, should have. These run the gamut from knowing basic first aid to how to cook basic meals and to even build a campfire.
There are also some handy jobs, including around the home, that shouldn’t be too difficult to achieve. There’s no problem calling in an expert, but for certain handy jobs, there’s no reason that even the least handy person can get it done themselves! If you don’t know how to do them – it’s time to learn!
Here is a fun (but serious!) list of what every adult should be able to take care of themselves…
- Boil an egg
- Make a good cup of tea
- Perform CPR
- Perform basic First Aid
- Perform the Heimlich maneuver
- Grow your own food
- Start a fire without matches
- Split firewood
- Navigate with a map and compass
- Swim
- Defend yourself
- Sew on a button and fix a hem
- Dress appropriately for every occasion
- Negotiate
- Apologize
- Show gratitude
- Give and accept a compliment
- Respond appropriately to criticism
- Hang a picture on the wall
- Use tools safely and appropriately
- Know how to remove a stripped screw
- Open a bottle without a bottle opener
- Fix a leaking faucet
- Unblock a sink
- Unclog a toilet
- Drive a car with manual transmission
- Change a flat tire
- Check and change your car’s oil
- Parallel park
- Back up computer data
- Maintain online privacy
- Shop online safely
All of these are essential skills and they incorporate many areas of life.
Handy jobs need some basic, handy tools. These will include but not be limited to a hammer, screwdrivers, multipurpose shears, electrical or linesman pliers, tape measure, and if possible, a cordless drill. Here at Vampire Tools, we supply a superior range of lineman pliers, screw extraction pliers, electrical shears, and cable knives.